John Cahill was born and raised in Bluffton and this is a real labor of love for him, who has always enjoyed cooking. Cahill’s is a true family affair at this down home country store and, along with his siblings, they farm everything by hand, one row at a time. They don’t use chemicals and fondly recall their youth growing up with seed, fertilizer, a horse and a tractor. They plant and sell produce at the market with Johnny’s sister Debra at the helm running the business. Johnny does the cooking for the “Chicken Kitchen” and brother Mike is in the business as well.

The “Chicken Kitchen” serves home-cooked, southern-style meals. Their menu changes daily, but one item you can count on is the scrumptious fried chicken.

Fried chicken (also referred to as Southern Fried chicken) is chicken which is dipped in a breading mixture and then deep-fried, pan-fried or pressure fried. Deep-frying has a long history in ancient cultures all over the world such as Rome, Egypt and China. Whichever way it was introduced to the American South, fried chicken became a common staple.

The chicken is served every day along with several other meat choices and numerous fresh vegetables and side dishes which include: field peas and collards, okra and tomatoes, squash casserole, mac and cheese, red rice, various potato selections and too many other sides to mention. Choose a table, stop into the country store to make your beverage selection and to pay for lunch. Be sure and leave room for a pear cobbler, where they grew the tree, picked the pears, stewed the pears and baked a delicious cobbler highlighting the beautiful, fresh produce.